Boards and Commissions

Planning Commission

The Scott Township Planning Commission reviews subdivisions, Land Developments and conditional use applications. After review of the applications for conformity to the ordinance, they recommend passage or denial to the board of Supervisors.  On conditional use applications they also make recommendations that  they feel will minimize impact on surrounding properties.

The current members of the board are:

  • William Kaiser
  • Robert Vail Jr.
  • Walter Peregrim
  • Brian Grippi
  • Pat Kasper
  • Scott Suda
  • Sal Maiolatesi

Planning Commission members volunteer their time

Zoning Hearing Board

The Scott Township Zoning Hearing Board hears appeals to decisions made by the Zoning Officer and reviews applications for use and dimensional variances. They are an independent Quasi judicial body who operate independently of the Board of Supervisors. Their decisions can only be appealed to Common Pleas Court. The current members of the board are:

  • Robert Vail Sr.
  • Joe Sullivan
  • Stanley Stracham
  • Matt Zimmerman
  • Naomi Johnson
  • James Romano (Alternate)
  • Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor : Armand Olivetti Esq.

Scott Township Sewer Authority

The sewer authority is an independent Municipal Authority responsible for the operation of the Township Central Sewer System. Although the members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, the board operates independently from the Township. Current members of the board are:

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